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Closer Than We Think

Updated: Nov 14, 2020

Happy Monday everybody! I just wanted to hop on here and share a quick story from my life last week. I’m leaving out some specific details which I may or may not choose to share one day, but the power of what happened will remain intact.

The last few weeks have been a serious battle of flesh and spirit to prevent myself from growing bitter in a specific area of my life. This is where my poem “Lately” came from that I posted last week. Then a few days ago I found myself feeling rather hopeless about this specific thing. As I was sitting down to do homework, I just felt heavy. So I prayed. Now, this wasn’t a glorious, drawn out, beautifully crafted prayer. I literally just said, “God, could you please assure me of what I know is true (about aforementioned area).” And I left it at that.

A couple of hours later when I was done with homework I got on Instagram. A few posts down, something caught my eye. Guys. It literally was the exact assurance I had prayed for! Not just something that sort of applied, or that spoke into that area a little bit. It was word for word what my heart had desired to “hear”. I was mind blown. And I was comforted.

I know I shouldn’t have been so surprised that God answered me like He did. But it’s so easy for me to forget that He is a loving Father. I forget that He is a personal God who draws near to us as we draw near to Him. I forget that He walks through my life with me. He is not distant. So often I think we pray to God expecting Him to answer us with a thunderous voice or vision. And He could do that. But personally, I think it’s even more powerful when He uses our everyday lives to speak to us. When He slips those little things into your everyday it makes you feel so loved, so seen, so heard. Our God is the God of the universe. But He is also the God who made each of us individually and personally. God is never farther from me than my own heart.

Finally, I would encourage you all to pray for your eyes to be opened to where God is speaking to you in your everyday life. A few months ago I don’t think I would’ve seen that Instagram post as God’s answer to my little prayer. It would’ve seemed too easy or not “glorious” enough. Get to know God’s voice. Dig into His Word, ask yourself how you best hear from Him, be on the lookout for the little whispers and not revelation from the clouds. Our God is not just omnipresent, but present. He is with you on your bed, in your class, and at your work.



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