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The Story

Welcome awesome people! However you happened upon my little blog, I am so glad you’re here!


I have always believed strongly in the positive power of words to connect, heal, uplift and challenge. So when I first logged onto Instagram two years ago,  I knew I wanted what I posted to accomplish these same things. Along the way I have learned that I’m not alone in my struggles through life and my Christian faith. I learned that we are never meant to stay quiet about the miraculous workings of the Lord in our hearts and lives. Our struggles are not just for our edification, but for His glory, and others encouragement.


M’s Inklings has been birthed out of a desire to help other people know that they are not alone (and also because silly Instagram has word limits). I would be honored if you allowed me to be a part of your journey through this beautiful and messy life. Along the way I’ll be sharing with you my own experiences through life, faith, friends, school—you name it. I'll be posting blog posts once a month, a bi-weekly Inkling and reflection, as well as little devotionals. A poem or story might pop in every know and then too. :)


My hope is that within these entries, you will find connection, encouragement and be challenged to live authentically for the benefit of God’s kingdom.


As I wade through my endless sea of thoughts, may these ink-stained hands of mine serve to point you back to the One who has promised to never leave nor forsake us, to the One who is in control when we can’t make sense of it all, and to the Author and Perfector of our faith. I’m so excited to share my little inklings with you!




Tidbits About Me:

I am obsessed with all things old-fashioned and historical and am a recently proud owner of a fountain pen. I’m so happy to call Colorado my home for the last fourteen years, where I am currently attending University to pursue a degree in Liberal Arts with a minor in Outdoor Leadership. I love reading, writing, trying new teas, sewing, and pretty much anything outdoors (kayaking anyone?). I am an enneagram two, through and through and will happily have a conversation with whomsoever about the enneagram. Oh! And I’ll never turn down a midnight ice cream run. I’d love to get to know ya’ll as well, so feel free to send me a message through the contact page!

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