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Lost in the shallows amidst fear and fog,your truth is the compass
That points me back north

Captain, Hillsong Worship


Bi-weekly reflections on thought provoking quotes


Where do you go when you feel lost? Life is foggy sometimes. It can be like trying to navigate stormy waters with less than ten feet of visibility, never knowing how close you are to either the sharp rocks or the dock. It’s in these seasons of life that it  is important to pay attention to what we are using as our compass. We often cannot change the circumstances around us, they can be as tempestuous as the ocean's waves. But we can change how we navigate through them. I love these lyrics from Hillsong’s Captain. It reminds me of Psalm 119:105 which says, “Your Word is a lamp for my feet, a light on my path.” I’ve personally been convicted lately about what I am allowing to guide me. What am I using as my compass? It can be easy to allow emotions, the voices of others, and our own desires to be the guide of our ship. But these things do not always align with the true north that is our Father in Heaven. He has made emotions and they are good, but they are not absolute truth. He blesses us with wise counsel, but they never bear the same authority as His own Word. Our desires are gifts from Him but can create a false narrative in our hearts. Feeling lost is an often painful and confusing place to be. But the Lord calls us found. Our hearts and lives are forever safe in His hands. If we choose to align ourselves with His truth, there is no storm, no season, no emotion that He cannot guide us through. This aligning can feel like an impossible task. And while it’s a daily journey, it’s one that is taken through reading our Bibles and allowing the truth of it to sweep over us more powerfully than any wave that threatens to overtake you. 


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